About DOD | Jan 2 2020

Dietitians’ choice: The best of 2019

We had a great time learning along with you in 2019. This was a red-letter year for Dietitians On Demand as we produced nearly 50 continuing education activities, over 40 blogs, 25 infographics, and hosted 5 on-site nutrition-focused physical exam trainings. Whew, are we forgetting anything?

Of course, we couldn’t have achieved this without our stellar team of Subject Matter Experts, who work so hard to provide the latest and greatest information to our audience. And you—our wonderful audience! You keep coming back for more, which inspires us to reach new heights. Let’s recap your favorites of 2019. 

Top blogs 

  1. How to write a perfect PES statement. The perennial favorite that has become a top hit on Google and many dietitians’ go-to resource. 
  2. Does a gluten-free diet effectively treat Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? One of the first blogs of the year written by Courtney Lee of our team of hardworking Subject Matter Experts. She nailed it. 
  3. Five things you didn’t know your dietitian could do. The inspiration for our FNCE booth this year, we put it in writing how much we love RDs. 

Top Infographics 

  1. Decision Tree: EN vs. PN. The epitome of a quick reference guide to help you (and your doctors) decide between enteral and parenteral nutrition. 
  2. Drug-Nutrient Interactions. One of our most adorable infographics, who says dredging through the med list has to be boring? 
  3. Nutrient Absorption Sites. A picture is worth a thousand words…literally. 

Top Webinars 

  1. Malnutrition and the Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM)The first time one of our live webinars sold out. We were stunned. PDPM changed long-term care, and we were by your side learning along with you.  
  2. Malnutrition 102: How to Perform a Nutrition-Focused Physical Exam. A very unique webinar, this one involved a camera crew (seriously). The next-best-thing to an in-person NFPE training. 
  3. TPN 101. Why we do what we do. Leave it to us to break down a complex topic like TPN into something that is very approachable. This was one of my favorites. 

Thank you again for joining us in 2019. We have lots more in store for 2020, so don’t miss it! 

Dietitians On Demand is a nationwide staffing and recruiting company for registered dietitians, specializing in short-term, temporary and permanent-hire positions in acute care, long term care and food service positions. We’re dedicated to dietitians and helping them enhance their practice and excel in the workplace. Check out our job openingsrequest your coverage, or visit our store today!

Sara Glanz, registered dietitian

About Sara Glanz

Sara Glanz, MS, RD, LD, CNSC has clinical expertise in acute and critical care, malnutrition, and nutrition support. As the former Director of Clinical Education at Dietitians On Demand, she created a thriving thought leadership and continuing education program that reached nearly 25,000 dietitians worldwide. Sara currently oversees a team of clinical dietitians at a regional hospital system.  

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