Professional Development | May 25 2021
Top 5 questions about licensure and taxes

Nothing is certain except licensure and taxes. (Wait, did we get that right?) Working as a consultant dietitian may leave you with questions about the particulars. What to do when you live in one state but work in another? Are you paying taxes in both states, one state, neither state? And what about licensure—what are the requirements when treating patients outside your home state? As a leader in consultant nutrition staffing, we have the answers to many of your burning questions.
Not all states require licensure, and some require certification. So if you’re on the hunt for a new job, particularly one out of state, check the requirements. Each state is unique, but obtaining state licensure shouldn’t deter you from considering a travel position. Some states can issues licensure quicker than you can complete employee onboarding!
I’m considering working as a traveling dietitian, how do I navigate the process of licensure for multiple states?
Just like when providing telehealth practices, you’ll need to be licensed in whatever state you are practicing. You’ll find out that each state has a different process to apply for a dietitian license. To find the application requirements, a simple internet search to find a specific state’s dietitian licensure board will usually suffice, or CDR has a great resource on each state’s specific license requirements. If you are hopping between several job assignments in different states, you’ll soon rack up lots of licenses. Keep the paperwork in a safe location.
I’m providing telehealth nutrition counseling to clients in other states. Where do I need to be licensed?
Things can get hairy when it comes to providing telehealth across state lines. In general, you’ll at least need to be licensed in whatever state your clients are located. Just like taxes, there are some reciprocal agreements. Click here to read more about the rules surrounding telehealth and licensure.
Does Dietitians On Demand reimburse for licensure fees?
In general, Dietitians On Demand does not reimburse for fees associated with obtaining a license in your home state. However, if you are traveling, speak with your Regional Account Manager to see if reimbursement is an option.
Please note: Dietitians On Demand does not offer individual tax advice. Please consult with a tax professional for answers to specific questions.
Some companies hire contract dietitians as 1099 consultants, but Dietitians On Demand hires as W2 employees. What’s the difference?
There are several differences between 1099 and W2 employment. When it comes to taxes, however, there’s one big one. As a 1099 independent contractor, your employer is not withholding any taxes from your paycheck—federal, state, or local. As a W2 employee, you will have federal, state, and local taxes withheld from each paycheck. This doesn’t mean that 1099 contractors skate by without paying taxes. Rather, 1099 contractors will pay their taxes either quarterly or annually, rather than little by little throughout the year.
I have worked as a traveling dietitian. What does that mean for my taxes?
At the end of the year, traveling dietitians can expect to pay federal income tax, state income tax for their home state (if applicable), and state income tax for any other states (if applicable) in which they have worked and earned money. However, you should be eligible to claim a credit on your resident state return for taxes filed and paid to the states where you are not a resident. In addition, some states have reciprocal tax agreements, meaning they have a relationship with each other and won’t charge you double taxes. For example, Kentucky and Indiana have tax reciprocity with each other. So, if you live in Kentucky but work in Indiana, you’ll only pay state income tax in Kentucky. Click here for a current list of states that have reciprocal agreements.
To learn more about being a travel dietitian, click here.
Dietitians On Demand is the nationwide leader in staffing registered dietitians, specializing in short-term, temporary and permanent-hire positions in acute care, long term care and food service positions. Our dietitians cover a vacancy, maternity leave, vacations, FMLA or increases in census. Check out our job openings, or request your coverage today!
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Dietitians On Demand is the nationwide leader in providing dietitians with jobs they love. If flexibility, competitive pay, a full benefits package, free CPEUs each month and a team dedicated to dietitians sound good to you, apply to our positions today.