Professional Development | Apr 26 2017
A day in the life of a registered dietitian

Our recruiters are often asked, “Are you a dietitian?”
After years of recruiting specifically in the nutrition industry, each recruiter at Dietitians On Demand knows the right questions to ask and the difference between abbreviations like MDS and NCP. But no, they are not dietitians. Instead, they take advantage of every opportunity to immerse themselves into the field so they keep a pulse on what clients and candidates need.
Recently, Janella, recruiter in Maryland, Washington DC, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia areas, went to Sheltering Arms, a physical rehabilitation hospital and shadowed a Dietitians On Demand employee, Kim Dillon, RD.
Janella saw Kim interacting with patients during meal times, where they discussed swallowing difficulties and texture issues. Kim said visiting with the patients is the easy part. She takes notes with each patient and then comes the harder part, charting. “It takes a while,” Kim said.
“It was a great experience,” Janella said. “I have a much better understanding of what to ask clients after spending time with Kim.”

Sheltering Arms is a rehabilitation hospital in Richmond, VA. The average length of stay for patients here is about 14 days.
Dietitians On Demand is a nationwide staffing company for registered dietitians, specializing in short-term, temporary and permanent-hire positions in acute care, long term care and food service positions. Check out our job openings, or request your coverage today!
Who we are
Dietitians On Demand is the nationwide leader in providing dietitians with jobs they love. If flexibility, competitive pay, a full benefits package, free CPEUs each month and a team dedicated to dietitians sound good to you, apply to our positions today.